Early preparation
Remember to give sufficient advance notice to ensure that the greatest number of those you care about will be able to attend. Early preparation will also keep you from feeling rushed in the midst of other last minute moving stresses. Whether you’ll have the party at a nearby bar or restaurant, your home, or a friend’s place, plan how you would like the event to unfold and set your guests expectations accordingly. Do you want them to arrive by a specific time? Or will the event be more of an open-house style party? To minimize your own stress, consider keeping the party casual so as not to add to an already hectic time.
Choice of food
Now to the fun part- the food! Homemade, pre-made, or catered, local-fare or perennial favorites, decide what will be easiest to arrange and what you will enjoy. You can even do a potluck and ask your friends to bring their favorite dish. It doesn’t need to be fancy, but ensure that you have plenty of food available for your friends and family.
Your going away party won't be complete without opportunities to say goodbye or to send love and encouragement. You can write a toast (for those who enjoy public speaking!), arrange a slideshow, or set out a guest book for guests to write in. Let your friends know your new address as well as any other contact information that may be changing. Tell your friends how much you will miss them and ensure they know you really appreciate their coming to say goodbye. If you are someone who hates goodbyes, then consider messages that focus on appreciating who they are and making plans for when you’ll return to see them again (or have them visit you!).
A theme with a local feel
Having a theme with a local feel for your going away party is a great way to commemorate your time and memories there. Sports team memorabilia, local landmarks, and representations of your city or state (photographs, maps, knickknacks). While it’s not necessary to have decorations, having one or two items tying in to your soon-to-be former city adds a nice sentimentality to the party and celebrates your appreciation for your time there!
Before moving, you’ll want the opportunity to say your goodbye and thank friends for the role they have played in your day to day life. While you can see people one on one to say goodbye, in the midst of a move on a tight timeline, it is often most efficient to have a larger gathering to make sure everyone feels included. Ask a friend to help in planning the party or put together something on your own. No matter how you set things up, the memories made at the going away party will be a nice send off as you move in and settle into your new location.